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Where the Story Begins

Everything is energy. All energy vibrates at its unique frequency. Raise your vibrational frequency for a happier and healthier life!

 In a world where there is so much disharmony; it is easy to become overwhelmed by the negativity that seems to be so abundant. Many people grew up in environments that hindered proper growth and wellbeing. Many endured abuse of all kinds, abandonment, neglect and poverty to name a few. These conditions and experiences caused trauma and left lifelong scars. In most cases these unhealed traumas have wreaked havoc in the physical and mental body but most importantly, in the energetic body. These traumas are the root of all further relationship issues; including the relationship you have with yourself. 

Growing up I was often told I was too "sensitive."  I have always felt things at their deepest level, both good and bad. I literally feel what other people are feeling. These deep feelings proved problematic as I did not know how to deal with them properly; nor did I understand where they came from and why I was experiencing them. Ultimately my traumas caused my energy to become toxic, and I was stuck in the cycle of emotional attachment preventing me from living in my authenticity and being the best version of myself. 

Just when I surrendered to believing I needed to be "fixed"; I found the answers that allowed me to heal from the trauma's I endured. This discovery is where my journey took an amazing turn; and my life has changed in ways I could never have imagined. Since then, I have set out to help others who are like me; people often labeled as Empaths or Highly Sensitive.  Neither of these things should be a hardship. They are just a result of conditioning of the negative experiences. Being a HSP can feel overwhelming because we literally feel our way through life and it's not always easy to know where our energy stops, and another's energy begin.  


There are many tools and techniques that steer one away from the struggle and pain and into a more peaceful, centered life. 


Along my journey, I discovered that I am an intuitive which allows me to receive information through my senses. This is helpful during my Reiki sessions as it allows for greater healing and growth for the client by being able to read one's energy body. 

My focus is on trauma healing as it is the main cause for everyone's current life issues. We are all energetic beings so addressing our energetic body is healing at the most fundamental level.

I am certified as a Usui Reiki Master, a Karuna Ki Reiki Master and a certified Chakra Healing Practitioner. I studied sound vibrational therapy and became a certified Tuning Fork Therapist.  

I believe the body thrives best when treated as a whole being; combining the mind, body and spirit/soul. I also believe we are spirits having a human experience, which leaves us always balancing the dichotomy of both.

If you feel that you too may be a Highly sensitive person, it is important to get the proper guidance which will help you better understand and utilize the gift you have been given. Please refer to the HSP trait checklist in the "forms section" to learn more about what you may be experiencing.

Everyone deserves to live their most authentic life filled with health, happiness, and success. No one needs to nor should live in a state of suffering. I look forward to sharing with you all of the tools, skills, and healing to create the changes desired in your life.

"All answers are found in the awakening of your soul; as the perfected expression of who you are already exists within" 


                                                                      ~Jacquelyn Ramo

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